Biden Family’s Inner Conflicts Between Hunter and His Mother

"Jill Biden" by Gage Skidmore

There are many things to expect from Joe Biden’s infamous second eldest child Hunter, mainly due to his drug-addled past.

So, when it was discovered the relationship between him and his stepmom, Jill, was far from decent, it came as a surprise to no one.

Apparently, Joe’s prodigal son called Jill Biden an “entitled c*nt” in one of his texts. It’s all downhill from there.

Hunter continues to shower his stepmother with an avalanche of insults ranging from “moron” to things that are better left unrepeated.

“Joe & Jill Biden” by Gage Skidmore

Trouble in paradise

Aside from that, he criticized the first lady’s teaching skills, claiming even when he was at his worst with drugs and alcohol, he was more capable than she ever will be.

Furthermore, the texts in question were between Hunter and his uncle James. They made it painfully obvious Hunter isn’t too fond of his stepmother.

The first son went out of his way to spread rumors of her not being a competent educator.

After that, he told her to “go f*ck herself,” comparing her to his late brother’s wife Hallie Biden, who he’d had an affair with in the past.

This could possibly explain his obsession with widow-themed pornographic content. In fact, one of these texts was between Hunter and Hallie during the time the two “were a thing.”

Although considering the nature of the messages and the comments he’d directed at the two women, it’s likely they didn’t remain that way for too long.

Joe didn’t call his son in rehab

Hunter’s disdain for his stepmother could be explained by the fact that other series of messages show that Jill was the one to push Hallie into encouraging him to seek treatment for his addictions, which clearly didn’t sit right with him.

He even flaunted his Yale Law School diploma, saying he’s much smarter than Jill.

Hunter said she, as a grammar teacher, wouldn’t survive a day in an Ivy League program, let alone criticize his lifestyle.

Hunter added of the seven times he’s been put in rehab (impressive!), his father Joe never bothered to visit or call him even once, signaling the relationship between the two wasn’t always rainbows and butterflies.

In the end, this is pretty standard stuff for Hunter.

Considering the other stuff that’s been recovered from his laptop, it’s actually pretty tame. Although it doesn’t make it any less messed up for a man of his status to maintain such a toxic relationship with his stepmother.

However, regardless of what he does, Joe will always be there to cover up any mess Hunter makes, as he’s done countless times in the past.

Don’t be surprised if these texts magically disappear off the face of the internet.


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