Biden Lashes Out Against Supreme Court on New York Concealed Carry Case


The fight for gun rights is on in America today.

Democrats are consistently trying to codify regulations that restrict the liberties of law-abiding gun owners. Meanwhile, they won’t put pressure on left-wing district attorneys to uphold already-existing laws against criminals in their own communities.

However, the United States Supreme Court recently delivered a major win to the gun rights movement in a case involving concealed carry in New York.

The court ultimately determined the Empire State’s heavy restrictions on people who apply for concealed carry permits were not constitutional. Before this ruling, New York mandated that people seeking these permits demonstrate to the state a reason they require self-protection.

In the wake of this ruling, Joe Biden released a statement, slamming the verdict of the highest court in the land, per Washington Examiner.

Biden’s Reaction to the Supreme Court

In a statement, the president sounded off about his immense disappointment that New Yorkers no longer have to show the state why they need to defend themselves via obtaining a concealed carry permit.

According to Biden, this verdict supposedly stops New York from being able to protect its residents’ safety; although, some people might view this claim as ironic, given New York’s infamous and ongoing struggles with crime.

Later, the president would go on to assert the ruling of the Supreme Court remains at odds with both “common sense” and the Constitution of the United States.

Democrats in the Empire State also echoed these comments from the president.

Governor Kathy Hochul and New York City Mayor Eric Adams have said they’ll pursue regulations at the state and local levels to crack down against concealed carry and, of course, gun ownership at large.

Positive Response From the Gun Rights Movement

The National Rifle Association (NRA) praised the landmark judgment of the Supreme Court. In doing so, the gun rights organization specifically pointed out this ruling solidifies Second Amendment rights and should also send a message to lawmakers who oppose gun rights.

Other supporters of the Second Amendment praised the highest court in the land for recognizing the liberty every lawful American has to defend themselves.

The ruling comes at a pivotal time when the gun control movement is doing everything it can to oppose firearm ownership and crack down on individual rights.

With this verdict, the Supreme Court ultimately sent a message that Americans have the right to self-defense, even when they’ve left their places of residence.

What do you think about Joe Biden’s reaction to the Supreme Court’s latest ruling on concealed carry and self-defense in New York? You’re more than welcome to weigh in and inform us of where you stand on this vital issue below in the comments area.


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