Biden Slams Gas Stations While Upholding Anti-Energy Policies


Within the past several weeks, Joe Biden’s been increasingly combative against oil and gas companies.

The president continues to claim these industry giants are intentionally racking up their prices to squeeze as much money out of consumers as possible. Democrats have joined Biden in pushing the “corporate greed”/”price gouging” narrative.

Meanwhile, oil companies like ExxonMobil, Chevron, and others started calling out the false nature of this narrative.

Energy executives have written to Biden, calling out the issues with his anti-energy policies, and urging Biden to work with energy companies with the same good faith he shows to nations like Iran and Saudi Arabia.

The president continues to reject these calls, instead opting to repeatedly lash out against energy companies. This is what Biden did in his latest public remarks about gas stations, as documented by Breitbart News.

New Attacks on the Energy Industry

On Wednesday, Biden spoke at the White House, demanding for gas stations to bring down their prices.

The president stressed that international peril and global warfare are underway. In light of this, Biden claimed gas stations should drop their prices “now” in order to reflect their costs of product acquisition.

In addition, Biden also stated that he’s calling on Congress to pass a federal gas tax moratorium that lasts until September. However, this has gotten pushback from both sides of the aisle.

Critics of the gas tax recess say it will not provide substantial relief to Americans, but will cause long-term issues with funding infrastructure and other critical projects.

This week, Biden again reiterated his claims that the president of Russia is responsible for high prices across the United States.

However, even left-wing outlets have conceded that prices in the US market increased well before any warfare began in Ukraine.

The Energy Independence Factor

During Biden’s statements on Wednesday, he didn’t talk about how his policies in the energy field forced prices of production to increase.

The president also neglected to mention how the oil and gas lease sales that he’s cancelled play a role in current costs of gas.

Demanding for gas stations to lower their costs, while simultaneously increasing their acquisition rates via policy, doesn’t work. It certainly doesn’t provide any type of relief to consumers who are dealing with rising prices throughout the market.

Republicans, on the other hand, did call out the president’s policies that have hindered energy independence and therefore made gas prices more expensive.

As all this plays out, the White House is still sticking to its climate change plan, despite its negative effects on the nation at large.

What do you think about Joe Biden’s latest demands of gas stations across the country? Please be sure to enlighten us in the comments field.


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