Bill Maher: DeSantis Would Make a Better President Than Trump


Growing talk about Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis making a presidential run continues to emerge in American politics. The 2024 presidential election will be the only chance the GOP has in ensuring that Biden doesn’t get into the White House again.

Some people within the Republican Party would like to see new candidates campaign for office and give Biden a run for his money. Thus far, the current president and his White House insist he’s going to go for a second term when 2024 gets here.

At this time, DeSantis is in the middle of seeking re-election for governor in Florida. While he’s doing very well on this front, the 2024 presidential election will begin well after November 2022, the time in which Floridians will determine whether or not to re-elect DeSantis.

Theoretically, the Republican governor could still make a run for the Oval Office. Not too long ago, talk show host Bill Maher even said DeSantis would make a far better commander-in-chief than former President Trump, per The Blaze.

President DeSantis?

During a conversation with panelists about the ongoing work of the January 6 committee, Maher was asked whether he thought DeSantis could somehow do a better job as president than Trump.

To this end, Maher confirmed that he actually does believe the Florida governor would perform better than Trump in the White House. According to Maher, because DeSantis isn’t “certifiably insane,” this would give him a leg up on Trump.

The talk show host also stated that a President DeSantis wouldn’t be “feuding” with various celebrities on Twitter or “poop-tweeting” while he’s in office.

Maher’s promotion of a DeSantis presidency comes after similar remarks from Tesla founder Elon Musk. Earlier this month, Musk claimed that DeSantis has a good shot of winning the 2024 presidential election, if he chooses to run.

A Wild Card Election Season?

Other possible Republican contenders for the 2024 presidential election are former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former UN ambassador Nikki Haley, Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, etc.

Several different Republicans already appear to be making moves that will prepare them for the 2024 GOP primary season.

Whichever GOP member ends up securing the Republican Party’s nomination will have a lot of ammunition against Biden.

Under the current president’s watch today, some Americans believe we’re already in the midst of a recession. Biden’s also overseen supply shortages, inflation, a horrific military withdrawal from Afghanistan, along with a laundry list of other problems.

If Biden truly sticks to his re-election plans, he won’t just be able to explain this all away or point the finger at Republicans.

Do you believe Ron DeSantis would make a better president than Donald Trump? Let us know in the comments area below if you think DeSantis should run for president in 2024.


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