COVID Boosters For Kids Trigger Conflict Between Rand Paul, Fauci


COVID vaccines have been available to the general public for over a year now. The government has tried every which way to get these shots into people’s arms.

For a while, governments were literally bribing people with gift cards, cash payments, and other incentives to take COVID vaccines.

Then, the bribes quickly turned into mandates and vaccine passports that were required in order for people to enter businesses and receive service.

Despite all this, many Americans expressed reservations about injecting themselves with a rushed vaccine. It certainly doesn’t help matters that COVID vaccines are now being pushed on kids who are as young as five years old.

In fact, the government’s recommendation for young children to take COVID booster shots caused some major tension between GOP Sen. Rand Paul and COVID adviser Anthony Fauci, per Breitbart News.

The Latest on Paul vs. Fauci

While engaging in a Senate hearing days ago, Sen. Paul pressed Fauci on advising young kids to take COVID booster shots, notwithstanding the lack of supportive data.

After noting the government’s recommendation for this, the Kentucky senator asked Fauci if he could cite any sort of data that links booster shots for kids in a reduction of kids having to be hospitalized or suffering from COVID deaths.

Fauci, on the other hand, responded to this by admitting “not enough data” is gathered thus far in order to document this.

Later, the White House COVID adviser went on to say the government’s recommendation for kids to take boosters is rooted in an “assumption” regarding kids’ COVID morbidity rates.

Paul responded to this by noting there’s no scientific study or data to back up kids taking booster shots; the senator also stated every single American needs to be aware of this.

From this point, Paul likewise mentioned the only relevant studies currently available are those pertaining to antibodies.

Protecting Kids’ Health

While no studies exist that link COVID booster shots for kids to reduced hospitalizations or deaths for kids, questions have come up about the possible health ramifications.

Fauci, himself, has been vaccinated against COVID four different times. Yet, none of these vaccines stopped him from testing positive for COVID just several days ago.

At the end of the day, many parents harbor reservations about gambling with the lives of their kids simply because Fauci and the government say it’s OK. This is why Sen. Paul has gotten such strong support since holding Fauci accountable during this week’s Senate hearing.

What do you think about the government’s recommendation for kids as young as five years old to take COVID booster shots, despite no data to prove this reduces deaths or hospitalizations? Please share what you make of this in the comments area.


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