Florida Democrat Andrew Gillum Arrested on Multiple Charges


In 2018, Florida Democrat Andrew Gillum ran against Ron DeSantis in the state’s election for governor. Although the race was very close, DeSantis ultimately ended up winning.

Since 2018, DeSantis has done extremely well as the governor of Florida. He’s well on his way to winning a second term. Meanwhile, growing word about DeSantis possibly running for the White House is emerging as well.

In the time since he’s lost to DeSantis, Gillum hasn’t been doing so well. In 2020, the Florida Democrat was discovered to be with a gay escort in a hotel room, along with being in possession of crystal meth and alcohol.

Gillum later apologized for this and claimed he felt guilty about the harm he’s caused. He would also go into a rehabilitation facility as well.

Now, the former rival of DeSantis has been arrested on a series of different charges, as reported by Breitbart News.

A Deep Dive Into Gillum’s Latest Legal Problems

The Justice Department’s charges against Andrew Gillum are listed as follows: providing false statements to authorities, wire fraud, and conspiracy.

Each of these charges carries serious jail time. For false statements to authorities, five years is the longest time Gillum could be in prison. However, on the wire fraud and conspiracy, these charges carry 20 years’ incarceration time each.

At this moment, the Justice Department is accusing the Florida Democrat of working with Lettman-Hicks, his campaign associate, to obtain funds via deceitful manners and mislead people into thinking they’d be used for “legitimate” causes.

The Department of Justice is likewise claiming that Gillum and Lettman-Hicks sent out funds used for personal reasons, yet disguised them as payroll funds.

Reactions to the Arrest

Since these events transpired, Gillum put out a press release, contending the charges from the Justice Department are motivated by politics, not his breach of the law.

Gillum additionally claimed that ever since his time as Tallahassee’s mayor, he’s been a target of attacks varying in nature.

Finally, the Florida Democrat’s press release said he’s confident his legal team will clear him of these charges and ultimately prove he’s innocent of everything the Justice Department is accusing him of.


Nevertheless, federal prosecutors continue to maintain that both Gillum and Lettman-Hicks used the latter’s company to commit wire fraud crimes. They’re also adamant that both parties are guilty of the other aforementioned charges.

As news of Gillum’s arrest spreads, many people on social media have said they’re glad DeSantis ended up winning Florida’s 2018 gubernatorial election after all.

What do you think about the charges being brought against Andrew Gillum? Do you believe he’s ultimately guilty of these charges?

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