GOP Advised to Choose DeSantis Over Trump


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ standing in the Republican Party has increased tremendously since he first won the 2018 governor’s race.

Under DeSantis’ leadership, Florida’s gotten a slew of new residents pouring in. As it turns out, this has also played a role in Florida Democrats now being outnumbered by Florida Republicans.

DeSantis’ consistent stand against left-wing policies and the Biden administration itself has also earned him support from many conservatives and non-leftists. With the 2024 presidential election approaching, there are growing voices urging the Florida governor to run.

Now, British personality Piers Morgan is calling for Republicans to toss their support of former President Trump and instead place it in DeSantis, per The Hill.

Morgan on DeSantis Over Trump

In a New York Post article, Morgan made it very clear he believes DeSantis should be the future leader of the Republican Party, not Trump.

The personality explained DeSantis has the ideal resume for the 2024 presidential election. Describing the Florida governor as “bold” and “fearless,” Morgan also mentioned that he’s now the “worst nightmare” of Trump.

After pointing out DeSantis is getting the type of press attention that possible presidents receive, Morgan said he thinks the governor’s political alliance with Trump is about to fall apart.

The British pundit is basing this prediction on Trump’s alleged inability to “stomach” threats to him making a comeback to the White House in the 2024 presidential election.

Finally, Morgan said Trump started his political career on a strong note, only for it to now end up “dead.” Therefore, he believes the GOP should directly back “The Ronald.”

The 2024 Presidential Election

In recent weeks, there’s been speculation that DeSantis may actually launch a presidential campaign in 2024. However, this hasn’t been confirmed at all by the Florida governor.

At this juncture, DeSantis’ energy is directed towards his re-election campaign in the state of Florida. Thus far, the Republican governor continues to lead every one of his left-wing opponents in the polls.

On top of this, DeSantis holds a political war chest of over $100 million, giving him more than enough capital to cruise to re-election.

Like Piers Morgan, Elon Musk has likewise expressed support for DeSantis making a presidential run in the 2024 election. DeSantis appears to be the top choice for people who believe the Republican Party should move past Trump and embrace other candidates.

Weeks ago, a new pro-DeSantis super PAC called Ready For Ron emerged. The self-professed purpose of this PAC is to persuade DeSantis to run for president in the 2024 election.

What do you think about calls for Republicans to dump support for Trump and redirect it towards Ron DeSantis? In the comments area below, let us know who you think will run in the 2024 presidential election.


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