New York Times Comes Out Against Biden Running For Re-election


An avalanche of catastrophes has happened in America within less than two full years of Joe Biden’s time as president.

Americans are having difficult times finding baby formula, tampons, and other vital supplies. Meanwhile, the inflation rate is spiraling so high that fewer folks are able to keep up with living expenses.

That comes on top of growing tensions between Biden and world leaders. One also can’t forget all the southern border issues that have unfolded since the current president got into the White House.

Against the backdrop of all this chaos, Joe Biden is openly talking about his plans to run for re-election; however, even outlets like the left-wing New York Times are realizing this isn’t such a swell idea, per Breitbart News.

The New York Times on Biden’s Re-election Plans

Despite previous support for the current president, the New York Times issued a piece that makes it clear the publication doesn’t support Biden running for a second term.

In no uncertain terms, the Times lays bare all the issues that have arisen in less than 24 months of Biden being president. These issues entail astronomically expensive gas costs, the failed Build Back Better agenda, inflation, crime, etc.

According to the New York Times, there is “deep concern” associated with Biden seeking another term, in light of these factors.

Furthermore, the left-leaning publication cited the current president’s age and ability (or lack thereof) to hold his ground in a potential rematch against former President Trump as liabilities.

It gets even more fascinating, though. According to the Times, Democrats are alarmed by the GOP’s growing strength that’s taken place under Biden’s leadership.

This is, of course, the opposite of what Democrats expected when they helped usher Biden into the White House.

What really drives the point home is a statement that Steve Simeonidi, a member of the Democratic National Committee, made to the New York Times.

Simeonidi declared the United States is currently on the wrong track and, as such, Biden should confirm shortly after the midterms that he won’t be running for a second term in office.

Will Biden Listen?

At this time, there have been no signs indicating the current president plans to walk back his re-election plans.

Biden is more than free to run for a second term; however, his odds of actually getting another four years in the White House remain extremely low.

Any GOP candidate that Biden faces in a general presidential election will have an endless supply of ammunition to use against him. That’s just with all the problems that happened on the president’s watch thus far.

There is no telling what position this country will be in by the time 2024 rolls around.

What do you think of the New York Times railing against Joe Biden seeking a second term in office? Sound off in the comments area below.


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