North Carolina University Maps Out Historic Gay Sex Spots

"2017.06.06 Pride DC People and Places, Washington DC USA 6072" by Ted Eytan

If you’re not familiar with LGBTQ culture, fret not.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is here to educate you on the matter, with dozens of colorful maps with particular establishments and locations marked on them.

However, these locations are far from your run-of-the-mill “family-friendly” gay gathering spots like we’ve seen over the past couple of months; they’ve got a much more sexual connotation to them.

“University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School Seal” by William Yeung

LGBTQ identity seems to be only about sexual relations

Namely, the university’s exposition is focused on shedding light on the dozens of spots where students would meet up on and around campus for sexual intercourse, including that which involved prostitution.

Apparently, we’ve reached a point where the glorification of prostitution and one-night stands is fitting for an educational institution. This is even further denoted by the fact the project’s name is a play on the state’s name, that being Queerolina.

The online presentation shows a map of places where the university’s alumni would gather for consensual gay intercourse, with added excerpts from some of the participants dating back to the late 50s even.

Some of these places include local gyms, the university’s dormitory, a nearby tavern, and Chapel Hill’s Wilson Library, with a couple of them referred to as “tea rooms.”

That is slang for a restroom used by gay men for sex.

A peek into UNC’s “glory holes”

The excerpts feature oral reports from some of the university’s alumni, most of which just tell tales of sexual acts.

This is solidifying the idea that the only semblance of a personality the LGBTQ community has is connected to intercourse in some way, shape, or form.

A member of the UNC community, Clayton Jackson, even mentions the meeting sport at the tavern had a “hole” where the members would put their “members” in for someone on the other side of the wall to enjoy.

It’s all pretty much downhill from there. It’s an embarrassment to the educational institution that decided to host the exhibition; although it didn’t come as a surprise to many, considering the university’s “woke” tendencies.

This isn’t the first time the exhibition was run either, as it was initially presented during the 2021-2022 academic year; although due to popular demand from the community, it was brought back for another showing.

Education is definitely changing.

This applies to high-end universities as well, as the concept of universities being serious establishments dedicated to learning is slowly being erased from history.

This is only to be replaced with the absurd glorification of sexual acts a minority group performed in public places.

Next thing you know, we’ll be seeing exhibitions for pedophiles’ favorite playgrounds and schools to hang out around. As deranged as it sounds, it’s not exactly impossible, given the direction the LGBTQ community is headed.


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