Starbucks Closing Multiple Locations Amid Soaring Crime


The national upticks in crime rates are not going away.

In fact, lawlessness has gotten to be so problematic that multiple left-wing district attorneys have been hit with recall efforts in places like San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Meanwhile, growing numbers of mass shootings are being reported, leading to debates about what’s fueling this type of aggressive violence.

Many Americans believe it boils down to certain leaders’ refusal to uphold the law. It certainly doesn’t help matters when left-wing district attorneys decline to prosecute criminals for the sake of making a political point.

Now, the crime problem has become so out of control that multiple Starbucks locations in the United States are closing down, according to Newsmax.

Fewer Starbucks Locations to Go Around

Starbucks’ leads of operations have announced what workers can expect going forward. 16 different Starbucks locations in America will no longer be around by the time August gets here.

Interestingly enough, the locations that will be getting the boot are each in Democrat-run communities. These communities extend to Oregon, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, California, and Washington.

In each of these blue states, the cities are also zones that have been under Democratic control as well. Look no further than Portland, Pennsylvania, Los Angeles, and Seattle.

According to Starbucks, the abrupt shutdowns come as workers at these locations simply don’t feel secure while they’re on the job. Many incident reports have been filed with higher management, thus prompting the coming shutdowns.

In additional steps to promote safety, some Starbucks locations will begin to place restrictions on seating in certain communities, along with cutting back on store hours and closing off store bathrooms to the public.

Employees for soon-to-be-closed Starbucks locations will be able to transfer to new company sites that are sustaining operations.

The Elephant in the Room

The fact that every single Starbucks location shutting down just so happens to be one located in a left-wing stronghold hasn’t been missed by the general public.

Republicans are now saying this is a testament to how badly Democrats have failed communities with policies that don’t crack down against crime.

After all, it’s Democrats who’ve backed defunding law enforcement and letting prisoners get early releases from lock-up…owing to COVID-19, of course.

Leaders within the Democrat Party, not the GOP, are the ones who enforce and favor measures that water down the bail criminals have to pay in order to get back on the streets pre-trial.

In many cases, the end result of this has been more innocent people being brutalized by offenders who shouldn’t be walking around free and clear.

Starbucks’ upcoming closures arrive as various other businesses have begun moving away from left-wing communities with serious lawlessness issues.

Let us know in the comments area what you think about Starbucks shutting up shop only in areas where Democrats are running affairs.


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