Biden Just Hit His Lowest Ever Approval Rating


Every new poll is bringing more misery for President Biden. This time, he registered his all-time lowest approval rating as only a mere 39% of voters approved of his presidency.

Lowest Ever Approval Rating 

According to a poll conducted by Morning Consult, an overwhelming 58% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s performance. 

In contrast, former President Trump had approval ratings of 45% after 17 months of his presidency. 

However, Morning Consult noted despite Biden’s dwindling ratings, most Democratic candidates for Senate elections this year are not affected by this. 

Reportedly, 42% of voters asserted they are likely to vote for an unnamed Democrat and an equal number suggested this for a Republican candidate.

Thus, the remaining 16% of undecided voters are likely to decide the future of Congress.

The latest poll also depicted 80% of Democrats approved of Biden’s performance, while 14% disapproved. Similarly, nearly 70% of Republicans disapprove of his presidency compared to 4% of GOP voters who seemed satisfied with Biden’s performance.

Failed Attempts of the White House For Damage Control

Many factors have contributed to the dwindling ratings of Biden.

Ranging from the poor border policies to coronavirus restrictions, from the struggling economy to surging inflation, all of the poor policy measures are responsible for the epic downfall of the president.

While Morning Consult established Biden’s poor performance does not guarantee Democratic losses in the midterm elections, it also claimed these numbers “should be alarming” for the party ahead of the elections. 

Another poll published recently also indicated that black Americans, which make the strongest base of Biden, have also started drifting away from his measures.

According to the Washington Post-Ipsos survey, seven out of ten black Americans now support Biden, which is down from eight out of ten in April last year.

Only 23% of black Americans “strongly approved” of Biden’s presidency. While 74% of black Americans suggested Biden is “sympathetic” to their problems in 2020, only 66% of the community said the same this year.

Biden’s continuously poor performance in polls is also worrying liberal media networks.

CNN mentioned the last time Biden won the approval of the majority of Americans was in July 2021, when his approval ratings stood at just over 50%, as per a Gallup survey.

Likewise, August 2021 was the last month when Biden recorded more than 45% of approval ratings in a Gallup poll.

As reports are coming that Biden is frustrated with his White House team for the decreasing approval ratings, he is trying to cover up the mess at the same time.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre asserted the government “understands” people are suffering from high prices, adding the economy under Biden is doing better, compared to the previous era.

She claimed the Biden administration is in a “good position” to tackle inflation, but no significant improvement has been recorded as such.


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