Breaking: Gun Restrictions Pass


After the Senate revealed a gun law accord, President Biden posted a tweet Sunday, thanking the “nonpartisan” work.

Biden on Twitter

The president expressed his gratitude to the lawmakers who worked on gun control.

However, Biden also claimed that what was passed doesn’t completely include everything he believes is necessary. Later, the president said the “gun safety” bill is a step in the right direction.

Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) has been named by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to engage with Democrats on comprehensive gun regulations, according to Breitbart News on May 27.

250 conservative donors bought an ad in the Dallas News on June 5, 2022 to indicate their backing for Cornyn’s bipartisan gun control measures. Senate Democrats and Republicans reached a gun control accord on June 12, 2022.

The agreement expands background checks for all gun purchasers under the age of 21, gives states incentives to enact red flag laws, and includes a number of mental health safeguards.

A school safety precaution would also be implemented as part of the agreement.

This would “assist in the implementation of safety precautions in and around middle and high schools, support school violence prevention programs, and provide education to school personnel and pupils.”

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) whacked Democrats for banning guns, instead of tackling social problems stemming from “decades of radical left policies that have violently attacked the American family and American society.”

Biggs also said proponents of the new Democrat-led ban on assault weapons that will make it more difficult for Americans to safeguard themselves “don’t believe in the 2nd Amendment.”

Biggs began a House debate on gun control this Wednesday by voicing his objections to the Democrats’ most recent gun control bill.

The Democrats’ most recent gun control package reflects the unsuccessful practices of blue communities with the highest rates of gun violence in the country.

This bill is just another effort by the left to gut the Second Amendment and take guns away from law-abiding citizens.

“Proponents of this law don’t care about gun rights; thus they don’t want to preserve Americans’ Second Amendment,” he asserted.

There are Concerns

Biggs, the former chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, warned key “societal concerns” go neglected while the focus stays on gun control.

“They want to outlaw weapons instead of dealing with the societal difficulties that have been generated by decades of radical left programs attacking the American family and society,” he stated.

“They overlook the fact that most of the places with the strictest gun prohibitions also have the greatest crime rates,” he continued. “They simply refuse to admit they do not support the Second Amendment.”

The representative called to highlight Republicans’ “many initiatives” before criticizing the Democrats for ignoring polls that contradict their narratives.


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