Calls for Mayorkas to Resign as Border Crisis Continues to Worsen


While House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy prepares for the Republicans to retake the House, he declared on Tuesday that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas must quit or risk the possibility of expulsion.

It is the correct choice.

McCarthy Demands That Mayorkas Resign

McCarthy stated in El Paso, Texas that our nation may not ever heal from Secretary Mayorkas’ incompetence and this is why he is calling for the Secretary’s resignation today. He went on to say that he can’t and shouldn’t continue in this position.

If Secretary Mayorkas somehow doesn’t quit, the House Republicans will probe everything, every order, action, and failing. They will assess if they can initiate an impeachment investigation.

Given that there have been more than two million interactions along the southern border in 2022, it is evident that Mayorkas has been unable to safeguard not only border towns but also the entire nation.

Although some asylum seekers legitimately desire an improved life in the United States, the fundamental problem is drug smuggling and the terrible techniques coyotes and organizations utilize to profit from human suffering and despair. No one should ever forget tragedies such as the June death of 53 migrants in a tractor-trailer in Texas, or how drugs from Mexico is murdering Americans in alarming numbers.

Such atrocities are inexcusable, and they are the outcome of misguided policies implemented in the spirit of charity.

Republicans are aware that Mayorkas is unlikely to leave, so they must instead launch exhaustive investigations into why the border has become such a disaster. McCarthy reportedly informed Bill Melugin, a Fox News reporter, that he will organize a conference at the border so that Democrats can see the seriousness of the issue.

With regards to the impeachment, the Democratic majority would not provide the requisite votes for the removal of Mayorkas from power.

As he said in a recent article, one of the two essential measures Republicans must do to control the southern border is to ensure transparency.

Border Crisis Impacts Government

As this problem has impacted negatively on the government, President Joe Biden should have previously asked Mayorkas to quit. It would be a shrewd political maneuver for Biden to dismiss the department’s leader, notwithstanding his lack of confidence in his ability to replace him with a superior candidate. They have already tried to dismiss Chris Magnus, the Customs and Border Protection Commissioner, but that is insufficient.

In border states, both Republicans and Democrats recognize that border protection is non-negotiable, but still the Biden administration has been brutally indifferent. The problem has lasted much too long, and Americans are exhausted by it. McCarthy and the Republicans must sustain this sense of desperation surrounding the border when the new congressional session begins, because political fervor has a finite lifespan.