Clear Evidence of Biden Corruption Revealed


Authorities in the United States have accused two men with connections to the National Security Agency (NSA) of taking part in a “multinational repression operation.”

This is said to involve monitoring and tormenting political dissidents here in the country in service of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

The Details

Authorities arrested Derrick Taylor, a veteran DHS police agent and private detective in Irvine, California.

They also arrested Craig Miller, a DHS immigration officer who operated out of Minneapolis, Minnesota for the past 15 years, along with three other individuals, on Thursday.

According to a release from the Department of Justice, Deputy Attorney General for Homeland Security Matthew G. Olsen:

“We will stand up for the rights of persons in the United States to participate in freedom of speech and political expression, even viewpoints the PRC government tries to stifle.”

“As alleged, these people assisted foreign government operatives in their efforts to silence opposing voices that have sought asylum here. Two sworn law enforcement officials who choose to break the law and their oaths of office are among the accused.”

“The next step in bringing each of these criminals accountable for their actions is this indictment.”

Matthew Ziburis, Qiang “Jason” Sun, as well as Fan “Frank” Liu is the other three plaintiffs in the case. Liu and Ziburis, who lived in New York, were earlier detained in March. In June, Miller and Taylor were put under custody.

Sun, a citizen of the PRC, is still at large.

Taylor was reportedly hired by one of Liu’s friends to gather personal details, such as flight logs, passport details, and photos of a few PRC dissidents living in the United States.

Two other DHS officers, one of them being Miller, are accused of helping Taylor. These DHS individuals reportedly stole the information from a private government database and sent it to Taylor before receiving authorization.

These details are said to have been utilized by Liu, Ziburis, and Sun at the PRC’s request to harass and attack these dissidents.

While being interrogated by investigators, Taylor reportedly told a friend to suppress information from the FBI. Miller allegedly erased text exchanges with both him and Taylor.

Crime After Crime

In addition to the obstruction of justice accusation against Miller and Taylor, Taylor is also accused of lying to the FBI.

Liu, Ziburis, and Sun are accused of planning to harass people over state lines and using a form of identity illegally.

If found guilty, the defendants may get penalties of 20 to 30 years in jail.

Nearly a million barrels of crude oil from the reserve force of the United States were sold by the Biden government to a Chinese company. This company had previously gotten a $1.7 billion investment from one of his son’s equity firms.

The U.S. Proven Oil Reserve’s 30 million gallons of crude oil were released, according to a March Energy Department announcement.

In reaction to Vladimir Putin’s premeditated war against Ukraine, an “urgent sale” was held to “create a wartime bridge that would assist American consumers and the world economy.”


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