Controversy Emerges Between Hunter Biden and Jill Biden


The Biden family has many problems. They’re just like most families, only with even worse problems, bigger tragedies, and more stressful conflicts.

The black sheep of the family is Hunter Biden. He has struggled with substance abuse for much of his life and had his private life dragged through the public eye, due to his involvement in our national politics.

In fact, Hunter is reportedly one of Joe Biden’s top advisors. There are also serious questions about how close he got with Russian and Chinese individuals in his romps around the world with prostitutes, big business deals, and drug parties.

Now, new revelations are emerging about another issue Hunter has: he really, really hates Dr. Jill Biden.

Hunter Calls Jill a ‘F–king Moron’

The liberal media has tried its best to present Joe Biden’s family as a kind of lovable club of misfits and well-intentioned people who love America. 50 of our top spies even went to bat, claiming Hunter’s laptops were Russian “disinformation” after that story broke.

Big Tech censored news of Hunter’s laptop and managed to help shift the election in favor of Biden, but that story hasn’t gone away.

More leaks since that time have exposed just how deep the problems run in the Biden family, including Hunter’s ongoing feud with Jill, who he considers a “f–king moron.”

In one message sent to his brother Beau’s widow Hallie, who he dated after Beau’s death, Hunter said Jill was “selfish” and a “vindictive c–t” who didn’t belong as a professor, due to her low intelligence.

Encouraging Jill to go “f–k yourself,” Hunter said they both should be honest about disliking each other.

It’s clear watching the two that Jill has a dominant attitude around him and considers Hunter to be a loser who she can boss around.

Jill’s Selfish Schemes

Hunter also complains in uncovered texts about how his dad never came to visit him in rehab, which is “insane” and implies his stepmom is part of what keeps his dad from paying enough attention to him.

Recent photos from a rehab stint in Massachusetts show Hunter apparently smoking crack and drinking after his father had given him $75,000 for treatment and to try to get better.

So, Joe not coming to visit could obviously also have to do with frustration about his son not sticking to his rehab goals, continually relapsing and spending money on hookers instead.

In fact, large amounts of Hunter’s ill-gotten money paid off sex workers, drug deals, and other shady endeavors, including buying into a Russian sex trafficking cartel at one point.

The Bottom Line

Jill Biden may not be perfect, but I doubt she deserves the kind of abuse that Hunter is heaping on her.


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