Democrats Are DONE With Kamala Harris


Democrats are ready to see anyone but Kamala Harris as the 2024 presidential nominee if Biden decides not to seek another term. 

Different polls and reports are suggesting that Democratic strategists and voters seem fed up with the vice president, so they want to get rid of her.

Democrats are Fed Up With Kamala Harris

Many recent polls have established over 50% of Democratic voters see Harris as an unfavorable candidate for the 2024 presidential election. Needless to say, these numbers will only increase once Republicans capture Congress this year.

According to the professor of politics at the University of Virginia, Larry Sabato, Harris is having a rough patch with extremely low approval ratings.

Sabato noted that approval ratings of Harris are tied with Biden’s.

Biden’s better performance would have made Harris popular, as well. Political donors, who play a decisive role in any political campaign, are also well aware of Harris’s dipping popularity.

An anonymous political donor of the Democrat Party told the New York Post that Harris is “completely useless” at the moment, adding no one in the current administration should run for the White House in 2024.

A lot of Democratic insiders are accusing Harris of not addressing the issues which marked the end of her 2020 presidential campaign. Her previous campaign was extremely disorganized and ended due to the prevailing infighting within her own ranks. 

Even after her election as the vice president, these issues are still haunting her campaign, as more than a dozen officials of her team left her in such a small period of time.

Campaign staffers, who fled her office, have previously noted anonymously that “dour” and “chaotic” sentiments prevail among her team members, who are usually “treated like s–t.”

Harris Cannot Keep Her Team Intact

Another Democratic staffer pointed out that all members of Harris’ team are working on diverging interests.

She does not do anything to keep them focused on the mutual goal. Whenever the vice president is being asked about her staffers, the strategist continued, she just “giggles.” 

Sabato also noted that if Harris were not the vice president, she would not have been even thinking of running for the presidency again.

Though all of this discussion will only be relevant if Biden decides not to run. While Harris stands no chance of winning the presidency, she will still come with the initial benefit of getting the most media recognition among Democrats in recent years. 

Harris recently created controversy by walking back her comments regarding Biden’s 2024 ambitions.

“Senator Harris Delivers Rebuttal to the” (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) by Biden For President

Firstly, she said on CNN that Biden is running for reelection while she will be his running mate “full stop.”

However, just a couple of days later, she took a less assertive stance in her remarks and claimed “if” Biden decides to run, she would be his running mate.

These comments of the vice president have once again triggered speculations about Biden’s future. He will be 82 years old by the end of his current term.


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