Dems Rage as Supreme Court Restricts Abortions


Following the decision of the United States Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade on Friday morning, Democratic politicians and other activists on the far left went into an uproar.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) led shouts outside of the Supreme Court, erroneously alleging the verdict from the nation’s highest court was “illegitimate” and encouraging activists to move to “the streets.”

Ocasio-Cortez stated in an interview with CNN the Supreme Court made the decision to take away the rights of men, in addition to putting the lives of all women and people giving birth in this country in danger.

Bitter and Misleading Statements

Following the arrest of a left-wing fanatic outside the house of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh for allegedly attempting to kill the judge, Ocasio-Cortez made harsh comments.

During a news conference she held, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated there was “no point in saying ‘good morning’ because it most definitely is not one.”

As observed by legal scholar Jonathan Turley, Pelosi made erroneous assertions about what the verdict means for other matters relating to pregnancy. 

According to Turley’s account, Pelosi made the incorrect assertion that this ruling now overturns cases on contraception and other topics many times. 

This is not the case.

The Supreme Court made that point abundantly clear in the opinion that it is rejecting the claim and pointing out perhaps this is intended to stoke unreasonable fear that the decision will endanger other rights.

The statement by Pelosi was categorically false.

The court made that point abundantly clear in the opinion that it is rejecting the claim. Even though it was told to the court directly, the fact the speaker brought up the upcoming election seemed to back up that point of view.

Calling on Violence

In a tweet, Cameron Kasky, an activist on the far left, sought to promote even more severe action in which he said, “Go to the homes of every Supreme Court member who just voted to kill women.”

“Express yourself to them and let them know how you feel.”

Democratic socialist senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders (I-VT), said the following on Twitter, “Overturning Roe v. Wade and depriving women of the freedom to regulate their own bodies is an atrocity and in violation of what American citizens desire.”

“Now is the time for Democrats in the Senate to put an end to the filibuster, enshrine the decision of Roe v. Wade into law, and once more make abortion legal and secure.”

Brian Fallon, an activist on the far left and also the executive director of the organization Demand Justice, said that if people are not calling for changing the Supreme Court now, he does not know what to say.


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