DeSantis Rejects New Biden Bill Because It Promotes CRT


Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) believes a federal bill will force critical race theory on kids, setting up another clash with President Joe Biden. 

In a release boasting the state’s rising test scores and concentration on civics education, DeSantis blasted Biden and the Civics Secures Democracy bill.

He argues this bill will compel state schools to teach critical racial theory to obtain $6 billion in federal subsidies.

Brainwashing Students

DeSantis added whereas the Biden administration seeks to brainwash students with critical race theory, Florida has concentrated on teaching factual American history, without the need for an ideological intent.

Their students and instructors have worked hard to improve their civics skills, indicating that Florida is the national standard for producing excellent citizens. 

DeSantis, a possible 2024 presidential candidate, has been trading jabs with Biden for a long time, with the latter often instigating.

During the vote on an LGBT-focused executive action, Biden was very harsh on DeSantis, accusing him of “going after Mickey Mouse.” Biden also made a veiled critique while promoting COVID-19 immunizations for young children. 

By criticizing a bipartisan civics bill proposed in June, DeSantis appeared to be striking the first fire.

The law proposes to increase history and civics programming for public education agencies, nonprofits, and higher education and research organizations. 

A few GOP skeptics argue the plan will require schools to offer critical race theory teachings, which claim U.S. culture and institutions are inherently racist and repressive to people of color, to attract billions in federal funds.

The critics are DeSantis, Newt Gingrich, and Donald Trump. 

The White House didn’t respond to the request for comment, while the Education Department pointed to a 2021 blog article by Secretary Miguel Cardona.

The post cites a funding program for teaching American history and civics, but says it hasn’t, doesn’t, and won’t propose a specific curriculum. Local decision-making will continue.

The Curriculum

Tuesday’s White House press conference was the first since DeSantis’ remarks. 

In conservative circles, education is known for helping Glenn Youngkin secure the Virginia governor’s election. Alleigh Marre, president of the Free to Learn Coalition, is concerned about classroom curricula. 

She noted while the federal education system is de-emphasizing studies and pushing party and activist-driven ideology, it’s promising to see investments in boosting student achievement, expanding extracurricular intellectual activities, and instructor training.

Parents are concerned about the politicization of schools; therefore, any concentration on basic academic competence is desirable. 

Biden’s last several spats with DeSantis also focused on education. He lampooned Florida’s Parental Rights in Education legislation and invited a protester to the White House.

The White House called the bill a disgusting example of right-wing politicians shamelessly targeting LGBTQI+ children. 

DeSantis hails Florida as a model to follow. His announcement says Florida’s 2022 civics evaluations show the state’s approach to teaching students about the U.S. and their role as citizens.

It also notes the education gap among white and African-American classmates was whittled down on all social studies evaluations.


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