Huge Headache For Big Pharma After Half a Million Pills Recalled For Being Unsafe


One of the most ironic things about the past few years has been watching the left go from trashing big pharma to embracing it with open arms, uncritically taking its experimental COVID vaccines.

There’s no doubt, however, that regardless of political affiliation, we all agree pharmacies have done a lot of extra legwork over the past several years in getting us our basic medical needs and checkups.

Two of these large chains that many of us shop at are Walgreens and Kroger. However, these industry giants have run into a very big problem, due to the recall of a huge amount of their products.

400,000 Products Recalled

On Thursday, June 16, the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced the need to recall more than 400,000 packages of drugs. They say these drugs could pose risks to kids because they weren’t packaged properly under the Poison Prevention Packaging Act.

It appears many of the drugs were not properly child-proofed and thus could pose a danger with children opening the bottles and taking too many pills.

In order for you to know and prevent any health problems with your children, here is the list of medicines that have presented problems and are being recalled:

  • Walgreens Acetaminophen – 137,300 units
  • Kroger Acetinaside for Arthritis – 25,660 units
  • Kroger Aspirin and Ibuprofen – 209,430 units
  • Kroger Acetaminophine – 34,660 units

If you have any of these Walgreens or Kroger drugs at home, you can contact Aurohealth and ask questions about how and where to return your medicine.

You will be fully reimbursed. Their website can be reached at

What’s the Issue?

It is worth remembering that improper packaging presents real risks for young children who may poison themselves if they ingest a certain amount of the medicines listed here.

In 1970, former President Nixon passed the Poison Prevention Packaging Act. Such a law directs certain mandatory requirements with respect to the safety of medicines so they do not pose a danger to children.

It is necessary for the packages to be produced in such a way that makes it difficult for children under five years of age to open the tops and seals.

The Bottom Line

All these drugs were sold all over the US. This is very dangerous for kids because they often don’t understand the danger of common medications like Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen.

This year, the US documented record recall numbers for various products.

According to one report, in the first months of this year alone, more than 900 million products have already been collected by companies that have had some kind of problem with the production line.

Consumers across the country have been concerned about the lack of certain medicines. Among them are nasal spray, baby formula, and common food products like JIF peanut butter.


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