Kamala Harris Will AGAIN Create a Migrant Caravan


After spending more than one year crafting useless strategies for tackling the US border crisis, Vice President Kamala Harris is once again beating around the bush by focusing on things that failed in the past.

She announced Biden’s plans to invest almost $2 billion in Central American countries to address the so-called “root causes” of immigration.

Harris’ Weird Border Strategy

When Biden gave Harris the task of dealing with the mess at the US border, she made some immediate steps just to get silent later on.

Finally, the vice president broke her silence regarding the border mess after a long time, as another caravan is about to enter the United States illegally in days to come.

She announced the White House’s plan to encourage the private sector to pour in nearly $2 billion toward central American countries.

These new investments would include $700 million for the expansion of cellular networks in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, $270 million to promote digital payment infrastructure, and $110 million to hire almost 14,000 people in El Salvador and Guatemala to reduce unemployment in those countries.

Even if the investment is aimed at bringing about some changes in the long run, it cannot stop the incoming caravan, which is the biggest problem of the administration right now.

At least 6,000 people are part of the caravan, which started marching from Mexico to the United States on Monday.

The exact number of participants in the caravan is unknown, but some estimates suggest the size of the group can reach upto 9,500, as other people join it with the passage of time. 

Harris’ latest strategy is in line with her previously failed tactics.

In December last year, she announced a similar plan of investing $1.2 billion in private-sector investment in Central America, claiming the likes of Mastercard, Pepsi, and Cargill would help the people of the region get jobs.

As that plan did not materialize, she has prepared a similar plan once again without seeing its feasibility.

Preferring Central American Economies Over America

Meanwhile, House Republicans bashed Democrats for the upcoming caravan at the US border, which could intensify the border crisis once again.

Even a group of a couple of thousand people is considered a severe border crisis, but this time, nearly 10,000 people can trigger unprecedented strain on Americans.

The official Twitter handle of the House GOP indicated that any country which does not secure its borders is not a country at all.

According to Harris, “stable and prosperous” neighbors will help Americans in living a good life.

“Kamala Harris” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by Gage Skidmore

Despite the fact the US itself is facing an unprecedented economic crisis, Harris noted she is aiming to bring stability to Central America by providing “economic opportunity” to its people.

However, she forgot to mention one of the primary factors of poverty in Central American countries is their corrupt governments, not the lack of investment from the United States.


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