Kamala Serves New Word Salad, This Time with Get-Need-Go Dressing

(Social media video snapshot)

Vice President Kamala “Word Salad” Harris may already be becoming successful in outdoing  Joe Biden with a fresh batch of incoherent sentences just three days after her previous gaffe of the same type.

Word Salads Emerge as Kamala’s Specialty

Kamala Harris is increasingly shaping as a word salad superstar.

Biden throws in some incoherent rambling now and then, likely courtesy of declining cognitive abilities and advanced age. Harris, 22 years his junior, can hardly be accused of being of senile mind.

Her word salads seem to stem from her inability to formulate a decent, well-reasoned argument or defend it logically and coherently.

Only three days earlier she struggled to answer on CBS News as to why the Democrat Party didn’t codify the “right of abortion” into federal law since it enjoyed congressional majorities five times and had four Democratic presidents in the 50 years that Roe v. Wade was in force.

Her response was a nonsensical rambling about how the Democrats “believed certain things” in the past. She left Americans guessing what kind of message she was trying to convey, if any.

The best guess, so far, has been that Democrats cheekily thought when they won unbridled abortion back in the 1973 Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade, they won that once and for all.

Kamala Dives Deep into the Concept of the Commute

Giving a speech on Wednesday, Kamala offered the good people of the United States a brand-new word salad, with a lot of “gets” and “goes” as dressing.

She was speaking about the investments of the US government in the development of the American workforce.

On the issue of transportation, she started rambling about how providing greater access to transportation is actually “a big issue,” even though it may seem as though “it’s a small issue.”

At that point, she went all in by elaborating on how a person needs to “get to go”, and also to be able to actually arrive there, complete their work, and then “get home.”

Prior to that, she made more bizarre comments in the same speech.

The vice president began to argue “we are creating good jobs” and this is occurring all over America in both small towns and bigger cities.

Never mind that many American households are struggling to make ends meet as they are enjoying Bidenomics, particularly the Bidenflation.

In her address, Harris also boasted that the Biden administration has been investing in training programs so people can get the skills they “need to take on” jobs that offer better pay and benefits.

Those are, of course, focused on those of “underrepresented backgrounds.”

Her touting of training programs for American workers hardly seemed appropriate after it just became clear that in June, inflation in the United States reached 9.1%, another 41-year-old hike.


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