Sarah Palin Overcomes Obstacle in Race to Win Alaska Congressional Seat


Alaska has a crowded field of candidates running for the open House seat left by the death of longtime Representative Don Young.

The most famous name running to represent the state is former governor and presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

However, an early roadblock arose. This happened after the results were challenged on the basis that blind voters didn’t have enough resources to cast their votes. The results were temporarily frozen.

However, Alaska’s Supreme Court overturned a freeze on the special primary election from Saturday, deciding blind people had more than enough assistance and secret voting options.

The results are in.

Palin Wins!

Running a successful campaign from her HQ in Anchorage, Palin won the race to run for the special congressional district in the upcoming general election.

Palin pulled far ahead of the competition, boosted by a big thumbs up from Trump.

She left GOP candidate Nick Begich far behind, as well as Al Gross (Independent), and Mary Peltola (Democrat). A “socialist” called Santa Claus garnered only a few percent support.

Considering there were 48 candidates running in the special primary, some speculated Palin’s support would be eroded by smaller pockets of votes for many other candidates.

Though she emerged clearly at the head of the pack, bolstered by Trump’s endorsement, name recognition, and the popularity of her national profile as a populist national conservative.

Here’s What Happens Next

This primary took place in a specific format that Alaska voters agreed on two years ago. Basically, voters chose their favorite to fill Young’s seat; the four top results now advance to the special primary.

The vote will take place on August 16 at the same time as the state’s usual primary; if Palin wins that, she will run to take over Young’s seat which begins in January.

Having Sarah Palin in Congress is something the left dreads; there’s no doubt she would make her presence known.

Palin has shown an ongoing willingness to stand up against the radical left and make her voice heard.

She was also a favorite target of ridicule and bullying from the liberal media, which couldn’t resist mocking a successful, independent, and self-made woman.

They all told her to go home and shut up, but instead, Palin is right back in the game and heading directly to our nation’s Congress to put progressives in their place.

The Bottom Line

Most money, at this point, would be on Palin winning the seat left empty by Young. She’s going to be a daily reminder to Biden and his globalist buddies that real Americans are fed up and still have a voice.

We need Palin in Congress because she’s exactly the sort of no-nonsense conservative that the left fears and this country needs to succeed!


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