Sleepy Joe May Already Be Out of 2024 Presidential Race


President Joe “Multiple Crises” Biden may already be practically out of the 2024 race.

A mind-blowing number of very senior Democrat apparatchiks have stated the 79-year-old should not be seeking reelection.

Biden declared as soon as February 2021, just weeks after occupying the White House, that he intends to run for a second term in 2024.

He also made it clear he wants to keep as a running mate his equally blunder-prone and unpopular veep, Kamala Harris.

Biden Bad For Democrat Party, Senior Democrats Worry

Having already occupied the White House for a full 16 months, Biden managed to inflict multiple mind-blowing crises upon the American people.

These crises range from skyrocketing inflation and the shortage of basic goods (such as baby formula and tampons) to trying to resettle the third world into the United States and allowing mass murderer Putin to terrorize and assault the entire Free World.

As a result, Sleepy Joe’s ratings have been sliding, even according to pollsters with a leftist bias.

Against that backdrop, Biden is apparently getting betrayed by his own party.

report by The New York Times found a whopping number of senior Democrat figures do not wish to see Sleepy Joe get the next party nomination for the US presidency.

The NYT interviewed a total of 50 Democrat officials; “almost all” of them stated they are against Biden seeking a second term.

The overwhelming rationale of the lefty apparatchiks appears to be a fear that Biden’s unpopularity, old age, senility and questionable cognitive abilities may hand the presidency to the next Republican candidate on a platter in 2024.

One of those senior officials interviewed is Steve Simeonidis, a member of the Democratic National Committee. He revealed he is “generally pessimistic” about the leadership of the party.

Simeonidis stated somebody “new” should “take over in 2024.” He insisted it would be a “flagrant” departure “from reality” to allege America has been “on the right track” under Sleepy Joe.

The DNC member insisted Biden should make an explicit announcement he isn’t going to run for reelection – and he should make it immediately after the 2022 midterms.

Not-So-Agile Biden Would Be ‘Closer to 90’ in 2028

Another DNC member, Shelia Huggins, of Durham, North Carolina was quoted as speaking ever more harshly about Biden.

She called for “fresh, bold leadership” for the Democrat Party in 2024 and emphasized Biden has no way whatsoever of offering that.

Many of the 50 senior Democrats interviewed by the NYT asked to be kept anonymous.

While many of them appreciate Biden for his “victory” over Trump in the 2020 election, they admitted multiple crises hitting the American people during Sleepy Joe’s presidency have been a “major blow” to the Democrat Party.

The report quotes, in particular, David Axelrod, a former campaign strategist for Barack Obama, who actually believes Biden has been doing “well,” considering the unprecedented difficulty of challenges pummeling his presidency.

Axelrod, however, thinks the advanced age of the Democrat incumbent may cost him the ability to garner sufficient internal support in order to stage a bid for a second presidential term.

The former Obama official noted that were Biden to win a second term, towards the end of that term, he would actually be “closer to 90 than to 80.”

Axelrod also spoke euphemistically about Sleepy Joe’s seeming senility and cognitive decline, as he stated the Democrat president “isn’t as agile” as he used to be.



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