Tulsa Schools Superintendent Under Fire Over Facebook Post


In response to the superintendent’s political statements on Facebook, a member of the school board in Oklahoma has called for her resignation.

On Tuesday, Dr. Jerry Griffin, a member of the Tulsa Public Schools’ education board, requested the superintendent, Dr. Deborah Gist, step down from her position.

This came after Griffin and two other board members stormed out of a meeting on Monday.

Details of the Post

Griffin said Dr. Gist is a disgrace to those who want to restore the school’s educational core.

He continued by stating her assaults on the governor of this state are reprehensible and her personal attacks on a specific board member expose the education system to a significant amount of financial responsibility.

Gist stated on Sunday that all signs show Gov. Kevin Stitt would go down in history as the most crooked governor in the past 47 years. So, she researched governors to see whether it was ever this awful.

She stated corruption and greed affiliated with Stitt and Education Secretary Ryan Walters are not only terrible for Oklahoma in terms of their ability to perform, let alone prosper, but it is also causing numerous scandals to the tune of millions of taxpayers’ money.

In her experience, people who change the subject so quickly are hiding something, especially during political elections.

This post was made after Governor Stitt requested the board be audited over the utilization of its $200 million dollars in coronavirus relief funding.

Jennettie Marshall and E’Lena Ashley, both of whom are members of the board and among the people who left the meeting on Monday, sent a letter to Stitt on July 1, in which they recommended the organization conduct an audit.

A Conspiracy

According to Gist, the two board members are working with Ryan Walters, who is vying for the state superintendent of education.

Ryan Walters is a candidate for the position. She made it very plain she has no problem with this state audit or any other audit of the Tulsa Public Schools being carried out in addition to the audit currently carried out on an annual basis.

In a video response posted on Facebook Live, Gist reacted to the fact that three members of the board left the meeting early.

Gist pointed out because of their absence, the board could not pay for the electricity, natural gas for buses, or even employ applicants who were accepted for teaching positions.

Gist stated she wants to be accountable for whatever role she played in the outcomes of tonight’s discussion with the board, and she is willing to accept that responsibility.

Until then, Tulsa Public Schools Chief Talent and Diversity Officer Devin Fletcher abruptly left his post a month ago for reasons that are still unclear.


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