Ukraine Pummels Russia’s Troops with US-Supplied Missiles in Fresh Putin Blow

(Social media footage snapshot shows the aftermath of the Ukrainian HIMARS strike on a Russian command post in the Donbass)

The military of Ukraine has started to utilize the HIMARS missile launchers supplied to it by the United States.

They have immediately and conspicuously started to wreak havoc upon the lines of Russian forces already foiling their advance on a key battlefield.

Invaluable US Missiles Come in Small Quantities

A total of four US-made HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems) with a range of about 50 miles have just been supplied by the United States to Ukraine.

Another three HIMARS systems are to be given to Ukraine by the UK. This comes along with four more that have been promised by the United States in a new $450 million military aid package.

Germany had also pledged four, but is balking at the delivery. Ukraine called for dozens, if not hundreds, of such missile systems so that it can defeat Russia.

(Paratrooper commander Andrei Vasilyov, 49, has become the 56th Russian colonel to be killed in Putin’s botched Ukraine war – seen here in social media photos)

Foiling Russian Advance with a Single Strike of US-Supplied Missiles

The defenders of Ukraine appear to have put to great use the first four US-supplied HIMARS rocket systems as soon as they got them.

Over the weekend, troops of Ukraine blew up a Russian command unit near the town of Izyum in the hotly contested Donbas region.

Ukraine’s military claimed that at least 40 Russian troops were killed in the HIMARS strike. Now, there is video footage emerging on social media shortly thereafter to show the devastation of the local Russian command center.

According to Ukrainian military expert Oleg Zhdanov, who spoke on YouTube, the strike hindered the plans of the Russians to advance south from Izyum towards the key city of Sloviansk.

This was supposed to come under attack from two sites, from the north and from other Putin units advancing from the southeast.

At the same time, Ukraine announced that it killed 49-year-old Andrei Vasilyev, head of a regiment of the VDV, near Izyum. He was the 56th Russian colonel to die on the frontlines.

This was part of Putin’s once much-feared airborne troops who have been exterminated nearly in full by Ukrainian defenders since the beginning of the war.

Vasilyev’s death was claimed at the same time and same location as the first Ukrainian HIMARS strike, but it remained unclear whether he also perished in the same attack.

Meanwhile, using US and UK-supplied anti-ship Harpoon missiles, a product of Boeing, Ukrainians continued to strike the Russian-controlled Snake Island some 80 miles from Ukraine’s coast.

They also hit several natural gas extraction rigs in the same area of the Black Sea. They used to be Ukrainian, but have been seized and militarized by the Russians since the beginning of the invasion.


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