Ukraine Strikes Military Base Inside Russia as Putin Still Hopes for Conquest

(Social media footage snapshot shows the Ukrainian missile strike explosion in Klintsy)

Ukraine has managed to carry out a missile strike on a Russian military base about 40 miles inside Russian territory, giving the Moscow regime a taste of its own bitter medicine.

The bold move came against the backdrop of a US military report claiming the bloodthirsty Moscow dictator still hopes to be able to conquer Ukraine for his wannabe neo-Soviet Russian empire.

A Ukrainian government official posted online a list of heavy weaponry they need to pound Russian aggressors into the ground and toss them out of Ukrainian territory altogether.

Severely Mauled Ukraine Manages to Bite Back

A Russian military base located in Klintsy, a town about 40 miles away from the Russian-Ukrainian border, suffered a major explosion on Tuesday.

The explosion was blamed on a Ukrainian missile, largely because video footage shared on social media showed a presumable missile trail, visible in the sky above the Russian town.

Local channels on the Telegram messaging app later showed Russian helicopters and troops arriving to inspect a crater caused by the explosion, while the resulting fire reached a nearby apartment building in Klintsy.

Preliminary reports said the damage was from a Ukrainian Soviet-Era Tochka-U short-range missile system.

This isn’t the first time Ukrainians have managed to strike Russian military infrastructure close to their border in order to hurt the war effort of the Putin regime.

Apart from that, a network of Ukrainian spies and saboteurs appears to have caused several dozens of damaging fires all over Russia in key military research, military-industrial, and chemical plant facilities.

Several days earlier, on Saturday, local social media channels said Ukrainian sabotage was targeting the military base at Russia’s Klintsy, with arson damaging Russian supply trucks.

(Social media footage snapshot shows Russian military trucks in Klintsy set on fire on Saturday)

Putin Still Harbors His Evil Designs on Ukraine

Also on Tuesday, a senior US defense official declared the Russian dictator still believes he can conquer much, if not most, of Ukraine.

Russians have been failing miserably. They were able to launch their snail-paced offensive in the Donbass region solely thanks to the sheer quantity of their antiquated Soviet-Era artillery pieces.

Speaking at the Center for New American Century, a think tank, Colin Kahl, US Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, stated Putin still has designs for all of Ukraine, or at least very large portions of it, as cited by The Daily Mail.

Kahl did emphasize he doesn’t believe the Moscow tyrant would be able to achieve that as Russians don’t seem to have the capacity for it.

In another development, Mykhailo Podolyak, a top advisor of Ukraine’s brave President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, published on Twitter a list of heavy weaponry Ukrainians are asking of the United States and the rest of the West to completely defeat Russian aggressors.

The list includes 300 missile artillery systems (MLRS), 1,000 howitzers, 2,000 armored personnel carriers, 500 tanks, and 1,000 drones.

So far, the United States has supplied Ukraine with slightly 100 top-notch US-made howitzers. The US and the UK, together, have given Ukrainians only seven MLRS, while Poland has given Ukraine 260 Soviet-Era tanks.


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