Ukrainian Counterattack Makes Progress in the South


No one knows how long the conflict in Ukraine will endure, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Ukrainian forces are pushing boundaries by blocking Russian soldiers from exceeding eastern Ukraine, where combat has been ferocious for weeks.

This Assault is Making Progress

In his weekly video speech, Zelensky expressed pride in Ukrainian soldiers’ ability to fight off Russian advances in the Donbas area.

This area borders Russia and has been held by Moscow-backed rebels for the last eight years.

After failing to seize Kyiv early in the conflict, Moscow concentrated its efforts on retaking sections of the mostly Russian-speaking Donbas that remained in Ukrainian control, as well as the country’s southern coast.

Instead of a quick, conclusive conquest, Russian soldiers were lured into a lengthy, exhausting war, due in part to the Ukrainian government’s employment of weaponry supplied by the West.

Sievierodonetsk, an eastern city with a pre-war populace of 100,000, is still disputed, according to both Ukrainian and Russian officials.

The city of Luhansk and its neighboring Lysychansk are the only significant regions of the Donbas’ Luhansk province that are not controlled by pro-Russian separatists.

Ukrainian fighters stayed in an industrialized part of the city, along with a chemical facility where residents sought refuge from days of Russian fire, according to Leonid Pasechnik, the leader of the separatist-declared Luhansk People’s Republic.

Following hours of Russian shelling, a large fire erupted at the facility, according to Luhansk Governor Serhii Haidai.

As per Zelensky, a counter-offensive forced Russians out of sections of the southern Kherson area they had taken early in the conflict.

Moscow established local government in Kherson and other seized coastal districts, issuing Russian passports to people, broadcasting Russian news, and preparing to implement a Russian education system.

Whereas an end to the conflict is unlikely, Zelensky believes Ukraine must do all it can to ensure Russians “regret what they have done” and “account for every murder and strike on our magnificent state.”

Russia and China

Chinese Minister of Defense Gen. Wei Fenghe said at a defense conference in Singapore on Sunday that Beijing wants to encourage peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia.

It also says the US and its NATO partners should talk to Russia “to establish the circumstances for an early truce.”

“China has continued to play a positive role in lowering tensions and achieving a political resolution to the problem,” Wei added.

He said states giving arms to Ukraine are “throwing gasoline to the fire,” and emphasized China had not given Russia any tangible help throughout the conflict.

Wei stated, “The development of China-Russia ties is a collaboration, not an alliance.”

Ukrainian information revealed the Russian military was prepared “to wage a long battle,” according to the Center for the Study of War, a Washington-based think group.

According to the institution, Moscow has prolonged its war schedule to October, with revisions to be made based on any achievements in the Donbas region.

According to the think tank, the data “certainly implies the Kremlin admitted it cannot achieve its aims in Ukraine fast. It is further altering its military goals in an attempt to address the first faults in the assault of Ukraine.”


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