WHO Head Confirms China’s Guilt Over COVID-19


According to reports, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director-general thinks the coronavirus epidemic began with a breach in a Chinese lab in late 2019.

As per a top government official, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus “confidentially thinks the COVID epidemic originated following a leak from the Chinese laboratory,” as per The Daily Mail, a British publication.

The Details

“The World Health Organization’s (WHO) director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, recently confided in a prominent European lawmaker. The most likely reason was a tragic accident at a facility in Wuhan, where diseases initially spread in late 2019,” the source claimed.

Tedros recently stated the WHO “does not even have explanations about where it originated from or how it infiltrated the population of humans,” but determining its origin was “morally” vital.

Tedros stated that nations, including China, must exchange data and the WHO requires “openness and freedom from government intervention.”

“Dr. Tedros has indeed been constant in stressing that all hypotheses remain on the table as researchers conduct their studies,” a WHO official stated.

The coronavirus epidemic, which cost the world economy trillions of dollars and killed nearly 15 million people, burst out in late 2019.

However, given China’s resistance to international demands for a probe within the country, an accurate timeline of occurrences has never been determined.

According to a hitherto secret US intelligence dossier issued last year, three scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology — China’s sole Biosafety level-4 facility — were admitted in November 2019 with symptoms compatible with COVID-19.

The media reported “the specifics of the reportage go over a State Department fact sheet issued during the final years of the Trump administration.”

“A few scientists at the lab, a part of the university of coronaviruses and other pathogenic organisms, became sick in fall 2019 ‘with symptoms consistent both with COVID-19 and common seasonal disease,'” according to the study.

“Many public health experts and research scientists believe SARS-CoV-2 initially started spreading around the eastern Chinese city of Wuhan in November 2019. Beijing claims the first verified case was a man who became ill on December 8, 2019.”

Last year, a team of specialists told a parliamentary committee the epidemic was caused by a breach at the Wuhan Center of Virology.

More Information From the Daily Wire

Once questioned if the SARS-CoV-2 virus causes COVID-19 began in a Wuhan lab, all four experts — Dr. David Asher, senior researcher at Hudson Research center, Dr. Richard Muller, honorary senior scientist at University of California Berkeley, and Dr. Steven Quay, founding member of Atossa Therapeutics — said “yes.”

According to prior reports from the Daily Wire, US authorities think China “deliberately” unreported their genuine numbers “by at least an order of magnitude of 50.”

Early in the outbreak, British authorities allegedly advised Prime Minister Boris Johnson that China’s numbers might have been underreported “by a ratio of 15 to 40 fold.”

In April 2020, the Washington Post claimed “evidence” from Wuhan revealed the true death toll was around 40,000, despite China’s assertion there were only about 4,600 deaths overall.


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